Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Canadian Soldier-US Air Force Nurse

“A crew from the United States Air Force spent Saturday night and Sunday morning airlifting different groups of wounded soldiers from Kandahar to Camp Bastion to Bagram, back to Kandahar, then back to Bagram, and back to Kandahar. These patients were from Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, and the United States. Here, an Air Force nurse caresses the head of a wounded, unconscious Canadian soldier while whispering into his ear.”

This picture was taken by Michael Yon and posted on his website on February 14, 2010. The following day the nurse wrote on Yon's Facebook page what she was whispering to the wounded Soldier.

"I am very blessed.

As the Critical Care Air Transport Team Nurse in the picture, it is truly my honor to transport these brave men and women here in theater! This brave young man was sedated but arousing, I was telling him who I was, where he was, what injuries he had and where he was going. He calmed right down. He was our team’s 70th critical care patient since being here in theater, truly, I have been blessed many times over this deployment.

God bless
Major “Lucy” Lehker
February 15, 2010”

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