Friday, March 16, 2012

And......we're back.

I've been absent from this blog for just over a year now. Sometime, I might go into the reason for my absence. But not now. I have something on my mind that has galvanized me into returning. It has to do with a man, former Soldier and now war documentary film maker, Scott Kesterson. I have the greatest admiration and respect for Scott. I've never met the man though I have a milblogger friend who is close to him. It was through this friend that I was introduced to the absolutely brilliant work that Scott has put in over four years of documenting the reality of war. Scott was the first combat photographer to embed with the PPCLI, Canadian Light Infantry Soldiers, in action in Afghanistan. He filmed the first footage of Canadian Soldiers in combat since the almost overlooked Korean War.

To understand why and what Scott was doing in Afghanistan you can hear, and see, it in his own words in this interview with George Strobolpoulopoulos in March 2009.


  1.'s about damn time!

    Good to see you pick up the keyboard again, Membrain. A kick in the arse is needed for meself, perhaps.

  2. Thanks. I just today saw your post on Kesterton from back in February. I completely missed that episode of You Served. Great job. I edited mine to include the link. Glad to see you're still at it.

    Take care.
